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Date: 1998-12-15

Trickle Down: Spaete Lehren aus dem Golfkrieg

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q/depesche 98.12.15/1

Trickle Down: Späte Lehren aus dem Golfkrieg

Nun melden sie sich wieder zu Wort, die Erfinder des
Internet, die 1968 vier dicke Rechner zur effizienteren
Berechnung der Ballistik von Interkontinentalraketen vernetzt
hatten. Heutzutag bietet die von der ARPA zu DARPA
gewandelte Pentagon/division der zivilen Welt das Knowhow
an, mit verstopften Netzwerken effizient fertigzuwerden, als
spätes Trickle Down der Erfahrungen mit dem
Datenwahnsinn des Golfkriegs.

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Matthew Nelson & Stephen Lawson
14 Dec 1998 DARPA the US Department of Defense's
Advanced Research Agency is working on a technology that
could change in which^network congestion problems are

The agency is gathering a team of researchers from several
organizations to create a technology called Active Networks
that would give data packets the intelligence to more
efficiently direct themselves though a network - and not rely
on network hardware to do the job.

Observers said the technologies under development for Active
Networks may be critical for taking advantage of rapidly
expanding network bandwidth.
This week, the Defense Department will announce that
Network Associates has been granted contracts to develop
secure working prototypes for Active Networks, to help
develop a new software base for Active Network nodes, called
Active Node Transfer, and to develop new cryptographic
techniques to protect the packets and routers from attack.

The company is also developing an adaptive cryptographic
scheme for NGI that will alternate among security algorithms
based on current risk and need for high-speed performance.
The need for system security will be critical, according to
DARPA. ;You're using the resources of the infrastructure in
order to do the processing, said Hilarie Orman, program
manager of the information technology office at DARPA.
You need to protect the Active [Networks] router itself
against denial-of-service attacks and to protect against one
program taking over the entire router. One large Internet
service provider, GTE's BBN division, has a team helping to
develop Active Networks technologies. Carriers are also
contributing to the NGI, with partner companies having
received contracts to build pieces of the infrastructure.
Network Associates plans to present several proof-of-concept
demonstrations to DARPA and its development partners by
April, Network Associates said. The actual implementation
of such technology will occur throughout several years.
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-12-15
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