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Date: 1998-07-16

Digitale Unterschrift: Debatte im US Kongress

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Der US Kongress kann sich nicht so recht entscheiden,
welcher von fünf verschiedenen Gesetz/vorschlägen zur
Regelung der digitalen Unterschrift der beste ist. Die
Debatte läuft.

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By Courtney Macavinta Staff Writer, CNET NEWS.COM July 15,
1998, 4:15 p.m. PT

update Congress is mulling over legislation today to create
a national framework for authenticating people's identities
when they shop online or send documents over the Net.

Touted as an important security component for robust
e-commerce, digital certificates and signatures help confirm
that an online document hasn't been tampered during
transmission and that Net users' identities are authentic.
But the various digital authentication systems under
consideration by states and Congress bring up a complicated
web of problems--from privacy concerns and legal liability
to technology interoperability issues.

The Senate Commerce Committee is holding hearings today
about one of five digital authentication bills that have
been introduced since last year.

If passed, Sen. Spencer Abraham's (R-Michigan) Government
Paperwork Elimination Act would require within three years
that agencies put more forms online and then set up systems
to accept digital certificates, which verify the accuracy of
a person's digital signature and are protected by
public-private key encryption.

Full text

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-07-16
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