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Date: 1998-08-22

Dual Use: NSA lagert Spione aus

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q/depesche 98.8.22/1

Dual Use: NSA lagert Spione aus
Nun folgt sogar die National Security Agency (NSA) dem
allgemeinen Trend zum Outsourcing.
In einem Pilotprojekt sollen bis Jahresende 40 Mitarbeiter
zur privaten IT/Company CSC wechseln. Von Infiltration kann
nicht direkt gesprochen werden, weil CSC seit 20 Jahren
NSA-Contractor ist.

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Defense Agency Taps CSC In Novel Deal (08/21/98; 10:59 a.m.
ET) By Marianne Kolbasuk McGee, InformationWeek

The National Security Agency (NSA), an arm of the Department
of Defense, has awarded Computer Sciences Corp. an
outsourcing contract under which federal IT workers will be
offered jobs with CSC or one of its subcontractors.

The deal is believed to be the first federal outsourcing
contract in which government workers will be able to accept
jobs with a private-sector employer. Normally with such
outsourcing contracts, federal employees stay employed by
the government.

In light of government belt-tightening and the intense
demand for IT talent by commercial outsourcing companies
such as El Segundo, Calif.-based CSC, this contract could
trigger a trend. "The federal government will be looking
closely at this contract and evaluating its performance,"
said George Starkey, operations director at CSC. "If this is
successful, there will be many others."

Under the contract, valued at as much as $20 million, CSC
will provide systems development, hardware and software
upgrades, configuration, and other services related to 20 IT
projects at the NSA. By year's end, CSC will offer jobs to
about 40 NSA IT workers, including programmers, systems
analysts, database administrators, and help desk personnel.

The workers could be assigned to any of the IT projects the
CSC contract covers, hired by either of the two CSC
subcontractors involved with the deal, or assigned to work
on projects CSC is doing with other clients, Starkey said.
The NSA has been a CSC client for 20 years.

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-08-22
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