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Date: 1998-08-22

Welt/bibliothek für Crypto in Post/script

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Die erste Phase von Bruce Schneiers Database steht. Vom
Ansatz her ist der Anspruch auf eine grossangelegte, offene
Welt/bibliothek zu erkennen.
Watch out: die links sind Post/script Files.

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Counterpane Systems has created an extensive bibliography of
links to
cryptography papers available on the World Wide Web. We
hope to
build a comprehensive database of published papers available
on the
net, organized both by author and by year.

Users can view the bibliography by author (every author is
indexed, not
just the first author) or by publication year. There will
also be a single page containing all the citations, to
facilitate searching the full
bibliography (by keyword, for example) with your browser's
search function.

Counterpane wants this database to be a research tool for
the community,
and for it to be continuously updated. We will frequently
monitor the
WWW for new articles for our database. Researchers can also
articles for inclusion in the database using an on-line
form; see the
webpage for details.

Please help. If you have papers on the Web, please submit
them into
our database. If you know of any archives of papers that I
please let me know. If there are any features youíd like to
see, please
suggest them.

relayed by q/corres/at
Michiko Grinner

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Download free PGP 5.5.3i (Win95/NT & Mac)

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edited by
published on: 1998-08-22
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